Anne-Sarah Le Meur
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Anne-Sarah Le Meur. Born in 1968, Anne-Sarah Le Meur received her Ph.D. in “Aesthetics, Science and Technology of Arts” from University Paris 8 in November 1999. Under the direction of Edmond Couchot, both her theoretical (Ph.D, articles) and practical research have dealt with the influence of 3D data processing on the imagination and shown in artworks. Her aim is to reveal how the expression of the body can be transformed. Her images and animations (Aforme: Some Skin Is Still Spreading, Outgest, In-Bees-Tween) haw been shown in France, Germany, England, Brazil, Hong-Kong and South Korea. She is now working on real time 3D images in interactive, immersive virtual environment work: Into the Hollow of Darkness, based on the viewer’s desire to perceive. Her first step is the animation Where It Wants To Appear/Suffer Having taught for two years at the Bauhaus-Weimar University in Germany, she is currently lecturer for the Arts Department of Paris University, Pantheon-Sorbonne.
PhD in Arts at Paris 8 University. Her researches focuses on computer processing influence on the imaginary which is present in works, in particular the transformation of the relationship with the body. After two years of teaching at Bauhaus-Weimar University, she’s now assistant professor at Paris 1 University.