Audrey Samson

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

Goldsmiths College, Art Department

Artist Collective:

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Audrey is a member of the collective: FRAUD. FRAUD is a métis duo of artist-researchers that develop art-led enquiries which explore forms of necropolitics that are embedded in the entanglement of ecology and technical objects, and erasure as a disruptive technology in knowledge production. Audrey leads the Digital Arts Computing BSc and is a lecturer in Critical Studies in the Art Department at Goldsmiths. FRAUD has presented work internationally.


Au­drey Sam­son is a Rot­ter­dam (NL)/Montréal (CA) based media de­signer, artist and re­searcher. Man­ager of the Dig­i­tal Art Lab at the Cen­trum voor Kunst en Cul­tuur (Zoeter­meer, NL). Teacher at the Ger­rit Ri­etveld Acad­e­mie (Am­s­ter­dam, NL). BFA Major in De­sign Art from Con­cor­dia Uni­ver­sity, 2002 (Mon­treal, Canada), M.A. Media De­sign from the Piet Zwart In­sti­tute, 2007 (Rot­ter­dam, NL). Re­search/Prac­tice fo­cuses: use of on­line medium for mourn­ing pur­poses, con­cept of fi­nal­ity in re­pro­ducible media, women’s re­la­tion­ship to tech­nol­ogy, the af­for­dances of the in­ter­net medium in telem­atic per­for­mance, work­ing from the prod­ucts of planned ob­so­les­cence, and re-as­sem­bling ob­jects with new func­tion­al­i­ties in a DIY fash­ion. Au­drey works to­gether with Sab­rina Bas­ten on the Roger 10-4 Pro­ject.

Last Known Location:

London, United Kingdom

Previous Location(s):

  • Rotterdam, NL

International Programme Committee:

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: