Avital Meshi

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

University of California at Davis, PhD Can­di­date

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Avital Meshi is a new media and performance artist, exploring the impact of AI on human identity and sociality. Drawing inspiration from Posthumanist theories, Meshi invites viewers to become entangled with AI algorithms, reclaim agency, and spark discussions on identity transformation. Meshi holds an MFA from UC Santa Cruz’s Digital Arts and New Media program and a BFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She also holds an MSc in Behavioral Biology. Currently completing her Ph.D. in Performance Studies at UC Davis. Meshi’s work has been exhibited widely, including a solo show at NYU’s Institute of Fine Arts, CURRENTS New Media Festival, SIGGRAPH, and more.


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: