Bettina Schülke

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Bet­tina Schülke (Mag. Art) is an Aus­trian artist, Ph.D Re­searcher and lec­turer at the Uni­ver­sity of La­p­land, FI. Her re­search theme is “Trans­ac­tion (Phe­nom­e­nol­ogy of Space and Time Di­men­sions)”. In ad­di­tion she is con­sult­ing a re­search pro­ject on Smart Tex­tiles from the Aus­trian Tex­tile Com­pany Back­hausen and the smart tex­tile Plat­tform at the ÖTI (In­sti­tut für Ökolo­gie, Tech­nik und In­no­va­tion). Schülke has ex­hib­ited her art­works widely at in­ter­na­tion­ally promi­nent venues like the 2nd Thes­sa­loniki Bi­en­nale (GR), Shunt Lounge, Lon­don (GB), De Winkel­haak De­sign Mu­seum, Antwerp (BE), Kemi Art Mu­seum; Lume Me­di­akeskus, Helsinki (FI), the MAK-nite (Mu­seum of Ap­plied Arts), Vi­enna (AT) and tex­tile works at the Aus­trian Pavil­ion at the In­ter­na­tional Ar­chi­tec­ture Bi­en­nale in Venice (IT). She has lec­tured at the Uni­ver­sity of Fine Arts in Vi­enna (AT), the Uni­ver­sity of La­p­land and the Kemi/Tornio Uni­ver­sity of Ap­plied Sci­ence (FIN), and was co-or­ga­nizer and par­tic­i­pat­ing artist at the pres­ti­gious e-Mo­bi­LArt pro­ject (Eu­ro­pean Mo­bile Lab for In­ter­ac­tive Artists).

Last Known Location:


Previous Location(s):

  • AT

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: