Bran­don La­Belle is an artist and writer. His work ad­dresses the re­la­tion of the pub­lic and the pri­vate, for­mal and in­for­mal cul­tures, so­cial­ity and the nar­ra­tives of every­day life, using per­for­mance and sited con­struc­tions as cre­ative sup­ple­ments to ex­ist­ing con­di­tions. His work has been fea­tured at Sonic Acts, Am­s­ter­dam (2010), A/V Fes­ti­val, New­cas­tle (2008, 2010), Mu­se­um­sQuartier/ Ton­spur, Vi­enna (2009), 7th Bi­enal do Mer­co­sul, Porto Al­le­gro (2009), Cen­ter for Cul­tural De­con­t­a­m­i­na­tion, Bel­grade (2009), Casa Vecina, Mex­ico City (2008), Fear of the Known, Cape Town (2008), Nether­lands Media Art In­sti­tute, Am­s­ter­dam (2003, 2007), Ybakatu Gallery, Cu­ritiba, Brazil (2003, 2006, 2009), Sin­guhr Gallery, Berlin (2004), and ICC, Tokyo (2000). He is the au­thor of Back­ground Noise: Per­spec­tives on Sound Art (Con­tin­uum, 2006) and Acoustic Ter­ri­to­ries: Sound Cul­ture and Every­day Life (Con­tin­uum, 2010). He is cur­rently Pro­fes­sor in New Media at the Na­tional Acad­emy of the Arts in Bergen, Nor­way.