Bruno Caldas Vianna

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Bruno Caldas Vianna lives in Barcelona. He is pursuing a doctorate from the Uniarts in Helsinki, Finland, in visual arts and artificial intelligence. He has a degree in Film from Universidade Federal Flumiense in Rio de Janeiro, and a master’s degree from NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program. He creates visual narratives in innovative and traditional supports, having done short and feature films, live cinema, augmented reality, mobile apps and installations. He was a resident in Hangar, Barcelona, in 2008; in Laboral, Gijón, with the Vida production award winner project Ionic Satellite Fountain; In Quebec’s La Chambre Blanche and London’s Battlesea Arts Centre, among others. Between 2011 and 2016, he ran Nuvem, a rural space dedicated to art and technology in Brazil. From 2012 and 2018 he taught at Oi Kabum, a school for art in technology in Rio de Janeiro. He is part of the autonomous communications collective Coolab.

Last Known Location:

Barcelona, Spain



Role(s) at the symposia over the years: