Carl Skelton

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Carl Skelton is Industry Professor and the founding director of the Brooklyn Experimental Media Center and the academic programs in Integrated Digital Media at the Polytechnic Institute of New York University. His creative/research work bridges the arts, design, technology, and community engagement. He is currently working on two books: “New Soft City Culture: The Case of Betaville” for Springer, and “The Multimedia Programming Fakebook” with R. Luke DuBois for MIT Press. Carl’s work has been supported by Microsoft Research, the Rockefeller Foundation through its Cultural Innovation Fund, the National Science Foundation, the Ontario Arts council, and the Canada council for the Arts.


Carl Skel­ton is In­dus­try Pro­fes­sor and the found­ing di­rec­tor of the Brook­lyn Ex­per­i­men­tal Media Cen­ter and the In­te­grated Dig­i­tal Media pro­grams at the Poly­tech­nic In­sti­tute of New York Uni­ver­sity, USA. His work on the Be­taville pro­ject has been sup­ported by the Rock­e­feller Foun­da­tion through its Cul­tural In­no­va­tion fund, the Mu­nic­i­pal Art so­ci­ety of New York, Mi­crosoft Re­search through the Games for Learn­ing In­sti­tute, and Red Hat.


Carl Skelton is professor and the founding director of the Brooklyn Experimental Media Center (BxmC), and the Integrated Digital Media programs of NYU’s Polytechnic Institute. He is a media artist and worked on several publications about digital media.

Last Known Location:

New York City, New York, United States of America


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: