Chu-Yin Chen
Most Recent Affiliation(s):
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
Chu-Yin Chen (TW/FR), Taiwan Professor of Paris 8 University, Arts and Technologies of the Image, director of the Digital Image and Virtual Reality research team (INREV) of the Arts of Images and Contemporary Art Laboratory of the University of Paris 8. She is in charge of the M2 year of the Digital Creation master’s degree.
ISEA 2022
Chu-Yin Chen is an Artist and Professor in Digital Art at Paris 8 University and a member of the INREV research team. Since 2019, Chair Professor at National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan). Her creations, based on Artificial Life and complex systems develop interaction modes between audience and virtual creatures showing autonomous and evolving behaviors. Her digital artworks have been shown in numerous international exhibitions. Her researches articulate two overlapping areas: 1] Digital Creation using algorithms of complexity and emergence, and 2] Metacognition and Elicitation of the processes of creation, enaction and aesthetic reception, via psycho-phenomenology and mindfulness.
Last Known Location:
Previous Location(s):
- TW
Additional Links:
Title: Artificial Life within a frame of metacreation on stage
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Title: A Performance Co-Created with an Autonomous Virtual System: A Symbiotic Approach
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Title: CDA-Centre des Arts d’Enghien-les-Bains : Co-Evolution, Co-Creation & Improvisation - Man/Machine
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Title: How Digital Anthropomorphism Enhances Creativity in Human-to-Robot Dance Interactivity
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Title: Towards a sympoietic relation with materials in interactive artworks