Elif Ayiter

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Elif Ayiter, Ph.D., aka. Alpha Auer, is a designer, educator and researcher whose creative interests are based in three-dimensional online virtual worlds and their avatars, as well as in developing and implementing hybrid educational methodologies between art and design and computer science. She teaches full time at Sabanci University in Istanbul and is also the Director of Studies of the INode of the Planetary Collegium in Greece. Her texts have been published in academic journals such as the Leonardo Electronic Almanac, the Journal of Consciousness Studies, and Technoetic Arts, and she has authored many book chapters in edited academic books. She has presented creative and research output at venues including the John Hansard Gallery, UK; ISEA2011, SIGGRAPH, Creativity and Cognition, SPIE, Computational Aesthetics and Cyberworlds. Elif Ayiter also is the Chief Editor of the academic journal Metaverse Creativity with Intellect Journals, UK.


Elif Ayiter is a de­signer and a re­searcher, teach­ing at Sa­banci Uni­ver­sity, Is­tan­bul, Tyrkey. Her texts have been pub­lished at aca­d­e­mic jour­nals such as the Jour­nal of Con­scious­ness Stud­ies and Tech­noetic Arts. She has pre­sented cre­ative as well as re­search out­put at con­fer­ences in­clud­ing Sig­graph, Cre­ativ­ity and Cog­ni­tion, Com­pu­ta­tional Aes­thet­ics and Cy­ber­worlds. She is also the chief ed­i­tor of the jour­nal Meta­verse Cre­ativ­ity with In­tel­lect Jour­nals, UK and is cur­rently study­ing for a doc­toral de­gree at the Plan­e­tary Col­legium, CAiiA hub, at the Uni­ver­sity of Ply­mouth with Roy As­cott.

Last Known Location:




Role(s) at the symposia over the years: