Roy Ascott, Elif Ayiter, Max Moswitzer, Selavy Oh: LPDT2
Artist(s) and People Involved:
- Roy Ascott
- University of Wales
- Elif Ayiter
- Sabanci University
- Max Moswitzer
- konsum netin
- Selavy Oh
Exhibiting Artist(s):
Artist Statement:
LPDT2 alludes Roland Barthes’s book ‘Le Plaisir du Texte’, a famous discourse on authorship, semantic layering, and the creative role of the reader as the writer of the text. LPDT2 is the Second Life incarnation of Roy Ascott’s new media art work La Plissure du Texte (‘The Pleating of theText’), created in 1983. LPDT2 does not attain its textual input from discrete individuals but from generative text which is being harvested from the online Gutenberg Project. Thus the project brings together the voices of many authors and epochs, pleated into a poetic waterfall of distributed authorship that is mapped both onto a three dimensional metaverse architecture as well as its (robotic avatar) inhabitants.
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Full text and images (PDF) p. 170-173