Emmanuel Mahé

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (EnsAD), Director of Research

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Dr. Emmanuel Mahé (FR), moderator. ISEA2023 Academic Chair, Head of Research at ENSAD Paris, Director of EnsadLab and member of the Sciences Arts Création Recherche (PSL-SACRe) board.

A PhD graduate from Rennes University, Emmanuel Mahé (HDR) started his career as a researcher in human sciences, at the crossroads between art, design & sciences. Emmanuel worked during ten years as a researcher and project lead for Orange Labs (the innovation practice of the telecommunication giant), then joined the renowned French design school ENSAD – as Director of Research – and PSL Research University as the SACRe laboratory director. The SACRe (Sciences Arts Creation Research) doctoral Programme, piloted by art schools, aims to train a new generation of creative artists (“practice-based” doctorate); to promote a PhD thesis model centered on artistic forms (films, performances, installations, prototyping, exhibitions, musical creations, etc.); to participate in structuring research in conservatories and art schools.

Last Known Location:

Paris, France

International Programme Committee:

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: