Ghis­laine Bod­ding­ton is an artist, di­rec­tor and cu­ra­tor spe­cial­is­ing in in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nar­ity in the per­form­ing arts and the in­te­gra­tion of body re­spon­sive tech­nolo­gies, vir­tual phys­i­cal net­works and in­ter­ac­tive in­ter­faces. Ghis­laine de­vel­ops so­lu­tions based on twenty years work with shinkansen and Fu­ture Phys­i­cal (1989 – 2004, now archived at British Li­brary) and with, amongst oth­ers, the ICA and Dance Um­brella. She has di­rected and cu­rated nu­mer­ous events, work­shops and sym­posia on body tech­nol­ogy through­out east­ern and west­ern Eu­rope, the US and Asia (in­clud­ing Ari­zona State Uni­ver­sity, In­ter­na­tional The­ater Fes­ti­val Ham­burg, and the The­atre der Welt) . She is well known for her work on cul­tural iden­tity and in­ter-au­thor­ship processes of cre­ation. She works as part of body>data>space, an in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary de­sign col­lec­tive based in East Lon­don and en­gages in cre­at­ing fas­ci­nat­ing con­nec­tions be­tween per­for­mance, ar­chi­tec­ture, new media and vir­tual worlds. She process di­rects large scale pro­jects across Eu­rope (EU Cul­ture) and in­ter­na­tion­ally, en­abling an ex­change of skills and knowl­edge and cre­at­ing net­works among young pro­fes­sion­als in nu­mer­ous coun­tries.  She holds an Artist Re­search As­so­ci­ate­ship at ResCen, Mid­dle­sex Uni­ver­sity, where she ex­plores tele-ki­net­ics, tele-pres­ence and tele-in­tu­ition. She reg­u­larly writes and col­lates col­lec­tions of top­i­cal thoughts from artists world­wide. Ghis­laine is an As­so­ci­ate Ed­i­tor for The­atre Dance and Per­for­mance Train­ing. She is a Fel­low of the Royal So­ci­ety of the Arts.