Giselle Beiguelman

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

Universo Online and Sergio Motta Institute, Artist; _Professor; Curator and Art Director

Other Affiliation(s):

  • University of São Paulo

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Giselle Beiguelman is an artist and professor at the Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism, and Design of the University of São Paulo. She is a co-author of Boundary Images (University of Minnesota Press, 2023), among others. Museum collections in Brazil and abroad, like ZKM (Germany), MAC-USP, and Pinacoteca de São Paulo, include her artistic works. She coordinates the Group of Art and Artificial Intelligence at USP. In her recent projects, she has investigated the construction of colonialist imaginaries in arts and sciences using artificial intelligence resources. She has received several national and international awards and coordinates the Fapesp Thematic Project Digital Collections and Research. Personal website:


Giselle Beiguelman. Artist and Professor at the School of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Sao Paolo, Brazil. She is also a member of the Laboratory for OTHER Urbanisms (FAUUSP) and co-coordinator of GAIA (Grupo de Arte e Inteligência Artifical – INOVA USP. Her interests include the aesthetics of memory and contemporary nomadism. Among her recent works are the Portuguese-language Hateland, covering online reactions to violence against vulnerable groups in Brazil; a co-authored book about the storage and preservation of digital artworks; and an on-going investigation of the colonialist imagination in 20th century artworks using artificial intelligence. Author of many international award-winning projects, her artworks are part of museums collections worldwide, such as ZKM (Germany) and Pinacoteca de S. Paulo (Brazil).


Giselle Beiguelman is a media artist, curator and professor at the School of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Sao Paulo (FAU-USP), Brazil. Her work includes interventions in public space, networked projects and applications for mobile devices, internationally exhibited in major art museums and media art centers and contemporary art spaces, as ZKM (Karlsruhe, Germany), Gallery @ Calit2 (UCSD, USA) and Sao Paulo Biennial. Curator of Tecnofagias – the 3rd 3M Digital Art Show, among others, she is also the author of several books and articles on the contemporary nomadism and digital culture practices. Among the latest, we should mention here Nomadismos Tecnológicos (Senac, 2011) and Possible Futures: Art, Museums and Digital Archives (Edusp/ Peir polis, 2014).


Giselle Beiguelman, PhD in History from the University of São Paulo, BR


Giselle Beiguelman is a new media artist and professor at the Graduation Program in Communication and Semiotics of curator (São Paulo, Brazil). Curator of Nokia Trends (2008 and 2009), she is Artistic Director of Sergio Motta Institute. In her oeuvre she researches the cultural impact of the Internet and technology.


Giselle Beiguelman is a multimedia essayist and web-artist who lives in Sao Paulo, Brazil, where she was born. She teaches Digital Culture in the Communication and Semiotics Graduatiom Program at the PUC-SP. Since 1998, she has run, an creative studio. Her work includes The Book after the Book”, Content = No Cache and Wop Art, among others. She has been presenting her web works in exhibits, festivals and scientific events devoted to new media art, like Net-condition (ZKM, Germany), Netoras (MECAD, Ba~elone)E, -Poetry (Buffalo, EUA) ArteICidade (Sao Paulo) and the 25th SP Bienlal. For more information on the artist and her work, please got to:


Giselle Beiguelman (Sao Paulo, Brasil, 1962) is a Ph.D. in History and Redactor at Universo Online. From 1985 to 1996 she worked for the Historical Patrimony Department of Eletropaulo­ Eletricidade de Sao Paulo S/A. During that period she was devoted to the study of the cultural impact of electricity in the urban society. Since 1994, she has been involved with CD-ROM and Internet production. She is new media coor­dinator of “Grupo de Intervencao Urbana – Projeto Arte/Cidade” (Urban Intervention Group), a non-profit organization of cul­tural producers responsible for projects of urban interven­tions in the city of Sao Paulo. Giselle Beiguelman wrote Reptiblica de Hemingway (Perspectiva/EDUSP/ FAPESP, 1993) and directed Intervencbes Urbanas (hybrid CD-ROM, published by Grupo de Intervencao Urbana, 1997).

Last Known Location:

Sao Paulo, Brazil

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