Gregory Little

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

Assistant Professor

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Gre­gory Lit­tle works with com­pu­ta­tional art, 3D in­ter­ac­tive vir­tual en­vi­ron­ments, and the cul­tural and philo­soph­i­cal im­pli­ca­tions of in­ter­sec­tions of art and sci­ence. His pro­jects have been ex­hib­ited and pub­lished in a num­ber of in­ter­na­tional venues and pre­sented at nu­mer­ous con­fer­ences and on line-fo­rums in the US, Eu­rope, Asia, and Aus­tralia.  His the­o­ret­i­cal es­says have been pub­lished widely, in­clud­ing in In­ter­texts, In­tel­li­gent Agent, and Tech­noetic Arts. His cur­rent re­search fo­cuses on po­etic in­ter­sec­tions of art and sci­ence through non-loop­ing 3d an­i­mated vi­su­al­iza­tions, vir­tual en­vi­ron­ments, and large scale prints. He is cur­rently teach­ing Dig­i­tal De­sign at Lo­rain County Com­mu­nity Col­lege.  His past teach­ing ex­pe­ri­ences in­clude ap­point­ments as an As­so­ci­ate Pro­fes­sor of Art in the Dig­i­tal Arts Di­vi­sion at Bowl­ing Green State Uni­ver­sity in Ohio, as a vis­it­ing re­searcher at The Vir­tual Re­al­ity Cen­ter at the Uni­ver­sity of Teesside in the UK, at the Stu­dio Art Cen­ter In­ter­na­tional in Flo­rence, Italy; as well as at Ober­lin Col­lege, Brown Uni­ver­sity, and the Rhode Is­land School of De­sign. He has an MFA in Paint­ing from the Yale Uni­ver­sity School of Art and Ar­chi­tec­ture, USA.


Media artist and Assistant Professor of Art at Kent State University. His work addresses human sentience and simulation. He has exhibited at the Virtual Reality Centre in Teesside, U.K. and Ars Electronica in Austria.

Last Known Location:

United States of America


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: