Inmi Lee

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Inmi Lee investigates the potency of art and technology to explore cultural and social conflicts and create a framework for research and analysis for socio-political realities. Her work takes the form of kinetic sculpture, digital performance, interactive installation, and video. She has exhibited at London FutureFest, Digital Art Biennale, SIGGRAPH, ISEA, Anren Biennale, Boston Cyberarts Festival, and the International Performance Art Festival.


Inmi Lee draws from existing sociopolitical conditions, particularly surrounding language and speech and creates speculative narratives that reveal our latent social desires. The research-based fictions critique the limitations of existing solutions of social problems while expanding the imaginary around these issues. She has presented her work at Anren Biennale in China, SIGGRAPH, Digital Art Biennale in Seoul, Boston Cyberarts Festival, International Performance Art Festival in Beijing, and in Madrid Abierto, Spain.

International Programme Committee:


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: