James Coupe is an artist whose work fo­cuses on emer­gent sys­tems, aes­thetic ma­chines, au­ton­omy, and net­works. His re­cent work with ‘sur­veil­lance cin­ema’ ex­plores the wit­ting and un-wit­ting re­la­tion­ship be­tween the artist/par­tic­i­pant and the viewer/par­tic­i­pant. This method of ‘sur­veil­lance cin­ema’ uti­lizes com­puter vi­sion soft­ware to ex­tract de­mo­graphic and be­hav­ioral in­for­ma­tion from video footage from a va­ri­ety of sources in­clud­ing YouTube clips, stu­dio footage, and sur­veil­lance cam­era feeds. The footage is then al­go­rith­mi­cally re­or­ga­nized and re­con­tex­tu­al­ized into nar­ra­tives, often using cin­e­matic ‘tem­plates’ such as An­to­nioni’s clas­sic film Blow-Up. James Coupe has ex­hib­ited both na­tion­ally and in­ter­na­tion­ally, re­ceiv­ing awards from the U.K. Arts and Hu­man­i­ties Re­search Board In­no­va­tion Award, Cre­ative Cap­i­tal and Artist’s Trust.