Jean Marc Chomaz

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

CNRS, Director of Research

Other Affiliation(s):

  • Ecole Polytechnique, _Professor
  • Journal of Fluid Mechanics
  • University Paris Saclay, Laboratory of Excellence, Chair

ISEA Bio(s) Available:

ISEA 2023

Jean-Marc Chomaz is a physical artist at Ladhyx, CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique, University Paris Saclay, France, Jean-Marc’s work explores the invisible space of colors, the spectrum of electromagnetic waves that travel in Time-space and connect us to the past, to the cosmos but also to the living world, plants, animals, men, Aliens. Sepia of a photo too long exposed to the sun or faded green of the clover that the pages of an old book leafed through distractedly release from their oblivion


Jean-Marc Chomaz is an artist physicist, director of research at the CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research), professor at the École polytechnique, co-bearer of arts & sciences chair École polytechnique, École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs-PSL and the Carasso Foundation. He co-founded the Hydrodynamics laboratory of CNRS-École polytechnique which he chaired from 1990 to 2012, the laboratory of excellence Systems and Engineering of Paris Saclay University (LaSIPS), chaired from 2011 to 2019 and La Diagonale Paris Saclay in 2012.

Alumnus of the École Normale Supérieure, he advises or has advised 30 PhD including 2 in art and co-authored more than 250 publications. He received the CNRS Silver Medal, 2007 and the Ampere Grand Prize of the Academy of Sciences, 2012, was appointed “Fellow” of the American Physical Society, 2001 and of the Euromech, 2018. His research concerns the dynamics of soap films, the theory of instability, the vortex breakdown, geophysical and stratified fluids, biomechanics and since 1992 arts & sciences. As an artist, he created the installations Un chemin qui chemine, Time traces, Terra Bulla, Une solution au problème de raréfaction du Temps presented in Bogota, 2019, and wrote the poem series N56u3N4A published in the review Plastir.

In collaboration with the Duo HeHe, he created Fleur de Lys, Domestic Disaster # 3, Planet Laboratory, and Absynth at the Nemo festival ,2018, with Anaïs Tondeur the exhibition Lost in Fathoms, 2014, with Ana Rewakowicz and Camille Duprat Misty Way and the Nephelographe, mist impression, 2017, with the choreographer Aniara Rodado, the installations Basic Transmutation and streamlines, 2016, with Evelina Domnitch & Dmitry Gelfand, Luminiferous drift, 2016 and EP=EPR at the Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, 2017. He founded with Laurent Karst and François-Eudes Chanfrault the collective Labofactory with the installations Infraespace, Fluxus, Wave, Exoplanet, 2080, Infinite, Redshift, Blackout, Soleil irrésolu presented in Amsterdam, Moscow, Paris, Boston, Berlin, Bogota, Atlanta.


Aniara Rodado & Jean-Marc Chomaz, France

Jean-Marc Chomaz (France) is an artist physicist, Director of Research at CNRS, Professor at Ecole Polytechnique, and Chair of the Laboratory of Excellence LaSIPS de University Paris Saclay, he has been involved in art/science relations since 1992. His scientific research encompasses areas such as the dynamics of soap films, global instability, the vortex breakdown, geophysical and stratified fluids and biomechanics. He is a Director of Research, professor and chair at the University Paris-Saclay, and has co-founded the
LadHyX Hydrodynamics Laboratory he co-directed from 1990 to 2013.


Jean-Marc Chomaz is an artist physicist, Director of Research at CNRS, Professor at Ecole Polytechnique, associate editor of the Journal of Fluid Mechanics and Chair of the Laboratory of Excellence LaSIPS de University Paris Saclay, France.

Last Known Location:


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: