Junko Suzuki

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Recent Exhibitions:1990: China lune 4, P.S.1 Museum (N.Y.); 1993, Art and Environment, (Bali). 1994: incidence­coincidence & BGENOME-PHENOME, Solo show at Galleria Bellini (Yokohama); Molecular Art Show, U.C.L.A. (L.A.). 1995: Kyoto Art Festival, Ex Tatsuike Elementary School (Kyoto); Mind The Gap, Kyoto City Art University Creative Hall (Kyoto). 1996: Portraits in Cyber Space, MIT Media Lab’s project on the Net; ART ON THE NET, Machida City International Museum of Print Art. 1997: Art On The Net ’97 Yokohama Museum, Machida City International; Museum of Print Art. Lectures: Washington University (St.Louis); New York City College (New York); Silpakorn National University (Bangkok); P.S.1 Museum (New York); International House of Japan (Tokyo); Bryn Mawr College (Philadelphia); Japan Foundation (Jakarta); Hong Kong Art Museum (Hong Kong); University of Canterbury (New Zealand). Articles published in The Japan Times; The Daily Yomiuri; Bangkok Post; The Press; Art News. Grant:1989-1990 Asian Cultural Council, P.S.1 Museum (N.Y.) Studio Fellow. Participated in publication of medical texts on brain research under Dr. Kawata of Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Kanagawa Dental College, M.A.,Kyoto City Art University. Collection: Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan.

Last Known Location:

Tokyo, JP

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: