Kathleen Irwin

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Kathleen Irwin (Doctor of Arts, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland) is Head of the Theatre Department and Professor of Scenography in the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Regina, Canada. Having designed extensively for theatre, opera and dance, she now focuses her creative practice on notions of identity, space and representation as reflected through landscape in large-scale, multi-disciplinary, site-specific performance events. Her pedagogic research engages and investigates performative and archival practices in relationship to the Internet. She is Artistic Director of Knowhere Productions Inc., a creative collective that explores the relationship of local populations to a particular place and time. As Co-chair of ArtsAction Inc., an arts-based research organization, she investigates the arts as driver and key indicator of urban renewal. She writes critically on site-specificity and spatial performativity and has presented on these subjects at numerous national and international conferences and is published in such journal as Canadian Theatre Research, Theatre Research in Canada, Critical Perspectives on Canadian Theatre and has recently contributed chapters to Performance Design, published by Museum Tuscalanum Press, Copenhagen (2008) and Art in Public Places: Critical Perspectives, University of Toronto Press (2009). Sighting, Citing, Siting, an art catalogue and an anthology of scholarly articles co-edited with Rory MacDonald, (Canadian Plains Research Centre, 2009) was nominated in two categories for the Saskatchewan Book Awards in the same year. She is a Bogliasco Research Fellow, a Saskatchewan Institute of Public Policy Fellow and a University of Regina Teaching and Learning Scholar. She is a recipient of numerous awards and grants and was nominated for the Saskatchewan Governor Generals Award for Innovation in the Arts in 2007. She is Canadian Education Commissioner for the International Organization of Scenographers, Theatre Architects and Technicians (OISTAT), a former member of the Board for the National Theatre School of Canada, English Alumni Association, Associated Designers of Canada and is currently Scholarly Awards Coordinator on the Board of the Canadian Association for Theatre Research. She is affiliated with the International Federation for Theatre Research, Performance Studies International and teaches at the Aalto Summer Academy for Practice-based Research. knowhereproductions.ca   cat.uregina.ca/crossingover   blurstreet.uregina.ca

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: