Kathy Cleland

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Kathy Cle­land is an Aus­tralian-based cu­ra­tor, writer and re­searcher spe­cial­is­ing in new media art and dig­i­tal cul­ture. She is Di­rec­tor of the Dig­i­tal Cul­tures Pro­gram at The Uni­ver­sity of Syd­ney, an in­no­v­a­tive cross-dis­ci­pli­nary pro­gram that crit­i­cally in­ves­ti­gates the so­cial and cul­tural im­pacts of new dig­i­tal media tech­nolo­gies. Her cu­ra­to­r­ial pro­jects in­clude the Cyber Cul­tures ex­hi­bi­tion se­ries which toured to over 20 venues in Aus­tralia and New Zealand (2000–2003), the Mir­ror States ex­hi­bi­tion (2008) at MIC Toi Rere­hiko, Auck­land, NZ and Camp­bell­town Arts Cen­tre, Syd­ney, and Face to Face: por­trai­ture in a dig­i­tal age for d/Lux/Me­di­aArts, a dig­i­tal por­trai­ture ex­hi­bi­tion cur­rently tour­ing Aus­tralia and Asia (2008-2011). Kathy is a found­ing mem­ber the Robot Cul­tures re­search ini­tia­tive set up by the Dig­i­tal Cul­tures Pro­gram and the Cen­tre for So­cial Ro­bot­ics Cen­tre at the Uni­ver­sity of Syd­ney. She is on the Or­gan­is­ing Com­mit­tee and is Chair of the Cu­ra­to­r­ial Com­mit­tee for ISEA2013 in Syd­ney.

Last Known Location:

Sydney, NewSouth Wales, Australia

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