Kristin Carlson

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Kristin Carlson is an Assistant Professor at Illinois State University’s Arts Technology Program (Normal, Illinois, USA). She is also a PhD Candidate in the School for Interactive Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser University (Canada) studying with Dr. Thecla Schiphorst and Dr. Philippe Pasquier. Kristin is interested in the role computation can play in further understanding creative process in choreography, art and design. Her background in dance, somatics and technical theater support investigations of coding to support creative decision-making and intersubjective communication in creative and performative practices. She is interested in artificial intelligence, cognitive science and experience-based methodologies to expand our understanding of craft and engagement in practice.

Last Known Location:

Surrey, British Columbia, Canada

Previous Location(s):

  • Illinois, US

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: