Kristina Lind­ström is a  PhD-stu­dent in In­ter­ac­tion de­sign at the School of Arts and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion, Malmö Uni­ver­sity. Her artis­tic and aca­d­e­mic col­lab­o­ra­tion with Kristina Lind­ström started off at the IT-re­search in­sti­tute In­ter­ac­tive In­sti­tute and was fur­ther de­vel­oped when they re­cieved artis­tic de­vel­op­ment funds from Swedish Re­search Coun­cil (2006-07). At the mo­ment the two are doing a col­lab­o­ra­tive PhD-pro­ject.  Kristina has ex­hib­ited her art­work in Eu­rope, Asia and the Amer­ica.