Liliana Conlisk Gallegos
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Liliana Conlisk Gallegos, Dr. Machete, or Mystic Machete is a first-generation scholar from the Tijuana-San Diego border region. Her mission is to advance the decolonial turn through immersive transborder new media art, reuniting Chicana/o/x “Mestiza” and various facets of Indigenous wisdom and fragmentary memory with technology. With a perpetual border-crossing perspective, she amplifies individual and collective expression, community healing, and social justice. She curates community-centered multimedia artivism, exhibits globally, and contributes pieces of decolonial theory and methodologies to academic journals across various disciplines. She is Professor of Media and Communication at CSU San Bernardino, member of the ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Committee, and was credited for no-muralismo rasquache artisanal VR world making or Xicanx-Transfronteriza Immersive Muralism in the recent 2023 ACM SIGGRAPH Autodesk 50th anniversary time tunnel exhibition.