Linda Kronman
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
Linda Kronman is a media artist and designer. She is currently a PhD candidate at University of Bergen (Norway) in the Machine Vision project. She holds a MA in New Media from Aalto University, Finland (2010). In her artistic work she explores methods of interactive and transmedial storytelling, visualizing data and creative activism.
She is part of the artist duo KairUs and has been producing art together with Andreas Zingerle since 2010. Their artistic research topics includes surveillance, smart cities, IoT, cybercrime, online fraud, electronic waste and machine vision. Together they have edited the books Behind the Smart World (2016) and Internet of Other People’s Things (2018), both open access publication bringing together critical perspectives on everyday use of technology focusing on artistic research and tacit knowledge that is produced through cultures of making, hacking, and reverse engineering. She has organized several participatory workshops, taught at Woosong University, Daejong, South Korea (2017-2018) and presented her work at international exhibitions and conferences including Moscow Young Arts Biennale, Siggraph ASIA, WRO Biennial, ISEA, ELO and Ars Electronica.
Linda Kronman, KairUs and Danube University, Krems, Austria. I work as a independent media artist and designer. Since year 2000 I have worked as Graphic Designer, Art Director and Animation Designer and taken part in several multidisciplinary Research & Design projects. In my artistic work I explore interactive and transmedial methods of storytelling with a special focus on digital fiction. In connection with my studies at the MediaArtHistories program in Danube University Krems, I was focusing on participatory ways to experience and archive social media fiction. I am interested in participatory art and design practices, specially in connection to creative activism. Since 2010 I have worked together with Andreas Zingerle forming the artist collective KairUs working around the theme of Internet fraud.
Last Known Location:
Title: Behind the smart world: analyzing 22 hard drives from a West African e-waste dump
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Title: ‘LET’S TALK BUSINESS’: an Installation to explore online scam narratives
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Title: Training Machines to Detect Suspicious Behaviour
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Title: Revisiting The Spam Folder: Using 419-fiction For Interactive Storytelling: A Practical Introduction Symposium: | Organiser/Presenter(s):