Lindsay Grace

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Lindsay D. Grace is Knight Chair of Interactive Media and an associate professor at the University of Miami School of Communication, USA. He is Vice President for the Global Game Jam™ and Vice President of the Higher Education Video Game Alliance. His work has received awards and recognition from the Games for Change Festival, the Digital Diversity Network, the Association of Computing Machinery’s digital arts community, Black Enterprise and others. He authored or coauthored more than 50 papers, articles and book chapters on games since 2009. His creative work has been selected for showcase internationally including New York, Paris, Sao Paolo, Singapore, Chicago, Vancouver, Istanbul, and others. Lindsay curated or co-curated Blank Arcade, Smithsonian American Art Museum’s SAAM Arcade, the Games for Change Civic and Social Impact program and others. He has given talks at SXSW, the Game Developers Conference, Games for Change Festival, the Online News Association, the Society for News Design, and many other industry events. Between 2013 and 2018 he was the founding director of the American University Game Lab and Studio in Washington, DC. From 2009 to 2013 he was the Armstrong Professor at Miami University’s School of Art. Lindsay also served on the board for the Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) between 2013-2015.


Lind­say Grace is a pro­fes­sor, game de­signer, pro­gram­mer, artist and  writer. Lind­say is the Arm­strong Pro­fes­sor of Fine Arts within Miami Uni­ver­sity’s Arm­strong In­sti­tute for In­ter­ac­tive Media Stud­ies and the School of Fine Arts. His re­search areas in­clude game de­sign, hu­man-com­puter in­ter­ac­tion, crit­i­cal game­play, and web de­sign. He also writes about de­sign and ed­u­ca­tion. Lind­say has served in­dus­try as an in­de­pen­dent con­sul­tant, web de­signer, soft­ware de­vel­oper, en­tre­pre­neur, busi­ness an­a­lyst and writer. Lind­say’s cre­ative prac­tice is fo­cused on ?uses of in­ter­ac­tive media to ex­plore cul­tural stan­dards. Ex­tend­ing the foun­da­tions of human com­puter in­ter­ac­tion, play de­sign and de­sign an­thro­pol­ogy, the work ex­plores the ig­nored. This work is com­puter game, ?gallery art, an­i­ma­tion, sculp­ture or some in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary amal­ga­ma­tion. Lind­say’s work pri­mar­ily pur­sues ed­u­ca­tional ex­pe­ri­ences and ed­i­to­r­ial cri­tique of the so­cial re­la­tion­ship be­tween com­put­ers, hu­mans and each other. Lind­say has taught games, in­ter­ac­tion de­sign, and writ­ing at the col­lege level for more than 7 years. He is an alum­nus the Elec­tronic Vi­su­al­iza­tion Lab at the Uni­ver­sity of Illi­nois and holds two de­grees from North­west­ern Uni­ver­sity. Lind­say’s new media work has been ex­hib­ited in­ter­na­tion­ally in a va­ri­ety of venues.

Last Known Location:

Miami, Florida, United States of America

International Programme Committee:

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: