Luca Forcucci
Most Recent Affiliation(s):
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
Luca Forcucci, artist, scholar and guest professor, observes perceptive properties of the first person experience through large scale installations, compositions, video, photography and writing. The research investigates mental imagery of sonic architectures. The works were held at Ars Electronica Linz, Biennale del Mediterraneo Palermo, Museo Reina Sofia Madrid, Centro Hélio Oiticica Rio de Janeiro, The Lab San Francisco, Rockbund Museum Shanghai, MAXXI Rome, or Akademie der Künste Berlin. His plateform UBQTLAB.ORG develops art and science encounters.
Luca Forcucci is an artist and scholar of Swiss and Italian citizenships based in Berlin. His research observes the perceptive properties of sound, space and memory. The field of possibilities of the experience is explored as the artwork. In this context, he is interested in perception, subjectivity and consciousness. This leads to electroacoustic compositions, performances, sound installations, and concrete poetry. Luca achieved a PhD in Sonic Arts from De Montfort University and a MA in Sonic Arts from Queens University of Belfast. He has graduated in architecture from Switzerland and studied electroacoustic music with the Swiss composer Rainer Boesch.
Luca Forcucci’s research observes the perceptive properties of sound, space and memory. The field of possibilities of the experience is explored as the artwork. In this context, he is interested in perception, subjectivity and consciousness. A great influence is the late American avant- garde composer and musician Pauline Oliveros and her concept of deep listening expanded to all what is humanly possible to listen to.Luca achieved a PhD in Sonic Arts from De Montfort University and a MA in Sonic Arts from Queens University of Belfast. The research was further conducted at University of the Arts of Berlin, INA/GRM Paris (Institut Nationald’Audiovisuel/Groupe de Recherches Musicales) while investigating at Bibliothèque Nationale de France François Mittérand, and at the Brain Mind Institute in Switzerland to explore cognitive neuroscience of out-of-body experiences.
Last Known Location:
Art Events:
Title: Mechanisms of Listening and Spatial Mental Imagery
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Title: Rituals of art and science to decompart-mentalize knowledge
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