Mika Satomi

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Since 2006 Mika Satomi & Han­nah Perner-Wil­son have col­lab­o­rated form­ing the col­lec­tive KOBAKANT. They ex­plore the use of wear­able tech­nol­ogy as a medium for com­ment­ing on the so­cial and tech­no­log­i­cal as­pects of today’s high-tech so­ci­ety. Con­scious of wear­a­bil­ity and ques­tion­ing of func­tion­al­ity, they be­lieve in the spirit of hu­mor­ing tech­nol­ogy and pre­sent a twisted crit­i­cism of the stereo­types it cre­ates. For them tech­nol­ogy ex­ists to be hacked, DIYed and mod­i­fied by every­one to fit their own needs and de­sires. In 2009, as re­search fel­lows at the Dis­tance Lab in Scot­land, KOBAKANT pub­lished an on­line data­base for their DIY wear­able tech­nol­ogy ti­tled HOW TO GET WHAT YOU WANT. kobakant.at   howtogetwhatyouwant.at


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: