Miroslaw Rogala
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
Miroslaw Rogala is a media artist whose work is known internationally for incorporating new interactive media and expressing a transformed and diverse sense of existence. Electronic Garden/ NatuRealization (1996), is a site-specific interactive sound installation and free speech project with an extensive web site on-line, extending into world-wide cyberspace. Rogalo’s Lovers Leap (1995) is an interactive environment produced in two forms simultaneously, as an interactive multimedia installation using the viewer’s body as a triggering device, and as a CD-ROM using the viewer’s hand as a triggering device.The work is included in two international traveling exhibitions and has had viewer participation in 20 countries: An audience interactive new multimedia project, Divided We Stand, by Miroslaw Rogala, (1997); and an Interactive Media Symphony, featured in a two-month, one-person gallery exhibition/ workshop, Divided We Speak, this fall at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago, Illinois. The Chicago artist is a doctoral candidate in the on-line Ph.D. research program at the Center for the Advancement of Inquiry in Interactive Arts (CAiiA) at the University of Wales College in Newport. Rogala is a recipient of MFA degrees from The School of Fine Art in Krakow, Poland (1979) and The School of The Art Institute of Chicago, Illinois (1983). He is on the faculty of the Department of Art at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Last Known Location:
Previous Location(s):
- US