Nermin Saybasili

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Ner­min Say­basili is an As­sis­tant Pro­fes­sor in the De­part­ment of Art His­tory at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts Uni­ver­sity, Is­tan­bul, Turkey. She re­ceived her doc­tor­ate in vi­sual cul­ture from Gold­smiths Col­lege, Uni­ver­sity of Lon­don. Her re­search in­ter­ests in­clude con­tem­po­rary art prac­tices and crit­i­cal the­ory with a par­tic­u­lar em­pha­sis on ‘vis­i­bil­i­ties’ and ‘in­vis­i­bil­i­ties’ in the regime of the vi­sion, the ‘el­e­ment’ of sound and voice in in­stal­la­tion work and video art, and urban space and mi­gra­tion in the net­worked cul­ture. Say­basili’s most re­cent pub­li­ca­tions in­clude es­says in Voice: Vocal Aes­thet­ics in Dig­i­tal Arts and Media Art eds. Norie Neu­mark, Ross Gib­son and Theo Van Leeuwen (The MIT Press, 2010) and Glob­al­iza­tion and Con­tem­po­rary Art ed. Jonathan Har­ris (Wigley-Black­well, forth­com­ing). Her book Bor­ders and Ghosts will be pub­lished in Turk­ish by Metis Pub­lish­ing House in 2011.


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: