Net­trice Gask­ins’ work ex­plores the in­ter­sec­tion of art, tech­nol­ogy, and com­mu­nity.  In both real and vir­tual worlds her work is about ex­tend­ing no­tions of the in­ter-me­dial by break­ing down the bound­aries be­tween var­i­ous art forms in rad­i­cal ways. In fact she chooses not to dis­tin­guish her work in one area or space. In Sec­ond Life, as the avatar Net­trice Beat­tie, she has cre­ated sev­eral im­mer­sive and artis­tic in­stal­la­tions in­clud­ing a re­cent one for IBM’s Ex­hi­bi­tion Space.  Net­trice re­ceived a BFA in Com­puter Graph­ics, with Hon­ors, from Pratt In­sti­tute and an MFA in Art & Tech­nol­ogy from the School of the Art In­sti­tute of Chicago. Last year she en­rolled in the Dig­i­tal Media PhD pro­gram at Geor­gia In­sti­tute of Tech­nol­ogy, US.