Nicolas Reeves
Most Recent Affiliation(s):
Other Affiliation(s):
- Society for Arts and Technology, Montreal
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
Nicolas Reeves is the founder of the NXI GESTATIO design lab, an art collective where he works with his partner engineer David St-Onge. His research iinvestigates the potential and consequences of the formal nature of digital information for all fields related to creation (arts, design, architecture…). His dual education in Physics (Montreal, 1986) and Architecture (MIT, 1988) allows him to join to the practice of arts and architecture the intensive use of bioclimatic, scientific and computer science data. He has just been appointed director of the HexagramCIAM interuniversity center for research in media arts, after having worked several years as a scientific director for the Hexagram Institute. He collaborates with many artists and engineers from different realms, and with several university labs. His on-going projects involve algorithmic systems that develop different kinds of evolving architectonic, formal or sonic structures. Among them, the Cloud Harp (or Keplerian Harp), a meteo-electronic instrument converting real-time the shape of clouds in music and sounds, has received international media coverage. NXI GESTATIO current projects also involve a collaboration with Australian artist Stelarc on hybrid performances, and a research program aiming to develop vocal and gestual interfaces for controlling flying automata. Nicolas Reeves has received the grand prize of the Architecture Quebec competition, and was regularly appointed as a jury member in several Canadian art councils. He published numerous papers in arts and critic magazine, as well as in science/technology publications. His installations, exhibitions and lectures were presented in many countries, on the five continents. He is full professor at the School of Design of the University of Quebec in Montreal.
Nicolas Reeves, architect, received a Bachelor’s degree in physics from the University de Montreal and a Master’s degree in architecture from MIT (Cambridge). Since 1989, he lectures in the Design Department of University du Quebec a Montreal.
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Full text (PDF) p. 2016-2022