Prof. Dr. Helmut Eirund

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Prof. Dr. Hel­mut Eirund re­ceived his diploma in com­puter sci­ence from Uni­ver­sity Kiel (DE) in 1985. He joined TA/Olivetti re­search lab (Nürn­berg) and worked within sev­eral r&d pro­jects on mul­ti­me­dia doc­u­ment man­age­ment, where he be­comes Tech­ni­cal Pro­ject Leader of the EU ES­PRIT-Pro­ject 28 Mul­tos.  Until 1991 he was a re­search as­sis­tent at Uni­ver­sity of Old­en­burg where he also re­ceived his doc­toral de­gree on mul­ti­me­dia doc­u­ment archival. Sub­se­quently he worked at OFFIS re­search in­sti­tute (Old­en­burg on mul­ti­me­dia de­vel­op­ment tools. From 1994 to 2001 he was a pro­fes­sor for Media In­for­mat­ics at Hochschule Harz, Uni­ver­sity of Ap­plied Stud­ies and Re­search and 2001 he left to Hochschule Bre­men, Uni­ver­sity of Ap­plied Sci­ences with the same po­si­tion. In spring term 2005 he worked as a guest pro­fes­sor at Hum­boldt State Uni­ver­sity (CA). He is co-founder of the M2C in­sti­tute of ap­plied media tech­nol­ogy. Hel­mut Eirund leads sev­eral pro­jects and re­search ac­tiv­i­ties in Mo­bile Ap­pli­ca­tions, Mul­ti­me­dia Sys­tems and Elec­tronic En­ter­tain­ment and is au­thor of about 30 re­viewed pa­pers and 4 books.


Helmut Eirund is professor for computer science and Scientific Director of the M2C Institute for Applied Mediatechnology and Culture. His actual project and research activities focus on mobile applications, multimedia systems, and electronic entertainment.

Last Known Location:


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: