Rachel Zuanon Dias

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

Anhembi Morumbi University, Digital Design

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Rachel Zuanon, Anhembi Morumbi University, BR


Rachel Zuanon is media artist and de­signer. She is a re­searcher and pro­fes­sor in the MA De­sign Pro­gram at the An­hembi Mo­rumbi Uni­ver­sity. She co­or­di­nates the CNPq re­search group “De­sign: cre­ation, lan­guage and tech­nol­ogy” and the study group “De­sign of Phys­i­cal-Dig­i­tal In­ter­faces”. She holds a PhD in Com­mu­ni­ca­tion and Semi­otics (PUC-SP).  She is a part­ner-di­rec­tor of the Zuan­non In­te­grated So­lu­tions in De­sign, In­ter­ac­tiv­ity and Tech­nol­ogy, a com­pany fo­cused in de­vel­op­ment of pro­jects and in­ter­ac­tive so­lu­tions for phys­i­cal and dig­i­tal en­vi­ron­ments. She has pre­sented her re­search in a va­ri­ety of places, such as: M-Con­nect 2010; ISEA2008 and ISEA2002; Con­scious­ness Re­framed 2008 and 2004, among oth­ers.

Additional Links:

Full text (PDF) p. 2686-2691


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: