Ray LC
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
RAY LC explores our own stories about the way we adapt to technologies. His interdisciplinary art-design-science practice creates interactions and narrative environments for building bonds between hu-mans and machines. Taking a PhD from UCLA, and MFA from Parsons School of Design, RAY takes perspective from his previous research in neuroscience (Nature, J. Neurosci, Frontiers in Psych.) into his art-design and HCI practice, with recent work exhibited at New York Hall of Science, Ars Electronica Linz, Saari Residency, New Museum, NeurIPS, Angewandte Festival, Osage Gallery, Macau Art Bien-nale, Videotage, Goethe Institute, Hong Kong Arts Centre, PMQ, Science Gallery Detroit, IEEE VISAP, SIGGRAPH Asia, Kyoto Design Lab; and published in venues like CHI, CSCW, DIS, HRI. RAY founded the Studio for Narrative Spaces: https://recfro.github.io/
RAY LC’s practice creates interaction environments for building bonds between human communities, and between humans and machines. He takes perspectives from his own research in neuroscience (pubs in Nature Comm, J. Neurosci, J. Neurophys) and in HCI (pubs in CHI, DIS, HRI, TEI, Frontiers, etc) in his artistic practice, with notable exhibitions at BankArt, 1_Wall, Process Space LMCC, New York Hall of Science Residency, Saari Residency, Kyoto Design Lab Residency, Kiyoshi Saito Museum, ICRA Elektra Montreal, ArtLab Lahore, Ars Electronica Linz, NeON Digital Arts Festival, New Museum, CICA Museum, NYC Short Documentary Film Festival, Burning Man, NeurIPS, Deconstrukt, Angewandte Festival, University of Graz, Elektron Tallinn, Floating Projects, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, Goethe Institute, Osage Gallery, Hong Kong Arts Centre. RAY comes from Cal Berkeley EECS-Math (BS), UCLA Neuroscience (PHD), Parsons School of Design (MFA). His current work uses artistic interventions to probe our spatial relationship with machines.
Art Events:
Title: A Case for Play: Immersive Storytelling of Rohingya Refugee Experience
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