René Paré

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ISEA Bio(s) Available:

  • ISEA2022

    Born and raised in the South of the Netherlands, Paré (66) studied visual communication at Design Academy Eindhoven.
    After working as allround designer in the industry, in 1990 graphic design studio Grafico de Poost was founded. Working in the first wave of desktop publishing and multimedia, the development of the CD-i at Philips Electronics led to collaboration and pioneering into interactive media design.

    Soon the need was felt to involve artists and designers in further exploration of the new media and digital technologies. This was the starting point for the 1995 foundation of MAD emergent art center, with co-founders Wim van der Plas, Leo Bakx, Dirk Boon.Now Paré is experienced designer of models and manifestations that are innovative and advanced in technology, information, networking. Consultant for implementation of high tech to experience/product solutions.

    Stadslab Eindhoven
    MAD emergent art center
    Spin offs MAD:
    – Open Data platform Eindhoven
    – Eindhoven Maker Faire
    – Manifestations festival
    – Albert van Abbehuis (AvA)
    Science Hack Day Eindhoven
    Image Radio festival
    Grafico de Poost, concept design publishing

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: