Renée Turner is an Amer­i­can artist and writer liv­ing in the Nether­lands . She re­ceived her MFA from the Uni­ver­sity of Ari­zona, was an artist in res­i­dence at the Rijk­sakademie and a re­searcher at Jan van Eyck Acad­e­mie (NL). Since 1996 she has worked with Riek Si­jbring and Femke Snelt­ing under the col­lec­tive name, De Geuzen: a foun­da­tion for multi-vi­sual re­search. Their col­lab­o­ra­tive pro­jects have show­cased in Man­i­festa, Rhi­zome, Mute, and In­ter­net Art (Thames & Hud­son). In 2006 she was awarded a schol­ar­ship from the In­sti­tute of Cre­ative Tech­nol­ogy and re­ceived an MA in Cre­ative Writ­ing and New Media from De Mont­fort Uni­ver­sity. Whether writ­ing dig­i­tal nar­ra­tives or work­ing col­lab­o­ra­tively, Turner’s work often en­gages with fem­i­nist is­sues and on­line media ecolo­gies. Next to these ac­tiv­i­ties she has taught fine art, de­sign and the­ory at the Willem de Koon­ing Acad­emy (NL), St. Joost Art Acad­emy (NL) and the Bergen Na­tional Acad­emy of the Arts. Cur­rently she is the Course Di­rec­tor of the Piet Zwart In­sti­tute, Mas­ter Media De­sign and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion: Net­worked Media (NL).