Rolando Rodríguez Guízar

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Rolando Rodríguez Guízar (México) studied Education and Communication and right now he is studying his Master in Contemporary Art at the University of Arts in Aguascaliente, México. Co-founder of Andamio, a collaboration project. For a long time he’s been writing and promoting cultural events, as well as, producing his own artistic pieces. He’s won several writing contests in México, and making a lot of presentations about what he does. Lately, Andamio was selected to make a presentation, a workshop, two researches and chat at the Image Festival in Manizales, Colombia. This month we made a presentation on line at the UVM in Brazil, and next august, we will present our researching results about our
writing called: LiveCoding, algorithms viewed as a text.

Last Known Location:


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: