Rose Stasuk

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Rose Stasuk is a visual artist who moved to Central Florida from Chicago in 1974. She attended the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and Columbia College between 1971-74, and completed her BA in fine art in 1981 at the University of Central Florida. In 1994 she earned her MFA in Electronic Intermedia at the University of Florida. The artist has maintained a private studio since 1985. Her work has been featured in juried group and invitational shows at museums and cultural centers in Florida, the US and (virtually) the world. In addition, her work is included in the online image databases of Sonoma State University’s Women Artists Archive and at Arizona State University in The World’s Women On-Line, organized by artist Muriel Magenta. Over the past few years Stasuk has produced many works including: video sculpture; media-assisted performance and interactive, multimedia installation. From
her studio computer in Clermont she maintains a Web site on the University of Florida Center for Excellence in Teaching server. The directory URL: <> provides access to several online projects, including the artist’s ISEA97 web event entitled Where’s Your Pocket Protector?, and her on-going, collaborative research project, The Body internet. Stasuk was awarded a 1995-96 Individual Artist Fellowship from the State of Florida for Interdisciplinary Art.

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Role(s) at the symposia over the years: