Sandra Cuevas
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
Sandra CUEVAS, Master in Visual Studies and Bachelor in Graphic Design, both titles from UAEMéx. She has various diplomas in animation, screenwriting, art direction and computer and electronic programming. Professionally, she has collaborated in animation studios as Nikel Studios, Onirik Studio, Inzomnia Animación, Delotroladodelcero Films, working on projects that have been awarded the Ariel award by the Mexican Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences and the Silver Goddess, among others. In teaching, she has been a professor in the degrees of Engineering in Technology and Digital Animation of the UVM, in Digital Art of the Faculty of Arts of the UAEMéx, in Design, Art and Interactive Technologies in the University Center of Art, Architecture and Design of the University of Guadalajara. She has been interested in issues related to imaginary production, creative processes, complex thinking, the use of new technologies, among other topics.
Title: From hallucinatory Art to hallucination in the Virtuality. Devices for Alternative Realities.
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