Semi Ryu re­ceived her BFA from the Ko­rean Na­tional Uni­ver­sity of Arts and an MFA from Carnegie Mel­lon Uni­ver­sity (US). She is an as­so­ci­ate pro­fes­sor in the De­part­ment of Ki­netic Imag­ing at Vir­ginia Com­mon­wealth Uni­ver­sity. Ryu is a media artist who spe­cial­izes in ex­per­i­men­tal 3D an­i­ma­tions and vir­tual pup­petry, based on Ko­rean shaman­ism and oral tra­di­tion of sto­ry­telling. Her works have been widely pre­sented in ex­hi­bi­tions and per­for­mances in more than 15 coun­tries, and her aca­d­e­mic pa­pers, which have fo­cused on the rit­u­al­iza­tion of in­ter­ac­tive media, have been pub­lished in in­ter­na­tional jour­nals and con­fer­ences. Her vir­tual pup­petry was re­cently per­formed at Chelsea Art Mu­seum, New York. She is cur­rently writ­ing a chap­ter for the book “Point of Being” (ed­i­tor: Der­rick de Kerk­hove,) and is a se­nior ad­vi­sor for the pro­ject “Avatars for vir­tual her­itage”, funded by the Na­tio­nial En­dow­ment for the Hu­man­i­ties.
