Sue Gollifer

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Sue Gollifer is an artist, an academic and a researcher at the University of Brighton, UK, and an early pioneer of new media art, her work is in both national and international public and private collections. She is the Director of the ISEA International Headquarters, and is on a number of National and International Committees, including (CAS) the Computer Arts Society, (DAM), Digital Art Museum, , the ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community, Lighthouse and Phoenix Brighton (Co Chair), UK.

She has been a curator of a number of International Digital Art Exhibitions including, ArCade, the UK Open International Biennale Exhibition, of Digital Fine Art Prints 1995 – 2007 and the SIGGRAPH Art Gallery Exhibition’04: Synaesthesia and currently the “Intuition and Ingenuity” art exhibition to celebrate the Alan Turing Centenary. In 2006 she was awarded an iDMAa Award, The International Digital Media Arts Award for her ‘Exceptional Services to the International New Media Community’. Gollifer is the assistant editor of the journal ‘Digital Creativity’, the Journal ‘Tracey’.

She has recently been appointed as the Chair of the ACM SIGGRAPH Art Awards Committee, for The Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement in Digital Art.


Sue Gollifer (UK), ISEA HQ.


Sue Gollifer, UK, University of Brighton, ISEA International HQ, ACM Siggraph.


Sue Gol­lifer is the Di­rec­tor of the ISEA In­ter­na­tional Head­quar­ters, and a Prin­ci­pal Lec­turer at the Uni­ver­sity of Brighton, UK. She is the Course Leader for the MA in Dig­i­tal Media Arts. Gol­lifer’s pri­mary re­search is on ‘the im­pact of new tech­nol­ogy within the prac­tice of Fine Art’. A pi­o­neer of early com­puter art, she has con­tin­u­ously ex­plored the re­la­tion­ship be­tween tech­nol­ogy and the arts and has writ­ten ex­ten­sively on this sub­ject.  She has been a pro­fes­sional artist/print­maker for over 40 years, ex­hibit­ing work reg­u­larly through­out the world and her work is held in major na­tional and in­ter­na­tional pub­lic col­lec­tions.

She has been a cu­ra­tor of a num­ber of In­ter­na­tional Dig­i­tal Art Ex­hi­bi­tions in­clud­ing, Ar­Cade, the UK Open In­ter­na­tional Bi­en­nale Ex­hi­bi­tion, of Dig­i­tal Fine Art Prints 1995–2007 and the ACM SIG­GRAPH Art Gallery Chair ’04: Synaes­the­sia and 2010 HOT PLATE.  Gol­lifer is on a num­ber of na­tional and in­ter­na­tional com­mit­tees, in­clud­ing a mem­ber of the Cre­ators Coun­cil of the De­sign and Artists Copy­right So­ci­ety (DACS), the Com­puter Arts So­ci­ety, (CAS), the New Media Cau­cus and Light­house Brighton. She is the as­sis­tant ed­i­tor of ‘Dig­i­tal Cre­ativ­ity’ a re­ferred jour­nal pub­lished by Rout­ledge.  In 2006, she was the pre­cip­i­tant for an In­ter­na­tional Dig­i­tal Media Arts Award (iDMAa) for her ‘Ex­cep­tional Ser­vices to the In­ter­na­tional New Media Com­mu­nity’.


Sue Gollifer works at the intersection of art and technology. As someone who works as an artist, curator, organiser, professor, researcher, chair and board member she embodies this intersection across many venues. A pioneer of early computer art, she has continuously explored the relationship between technology and the arts and has written extensively on this subject.

Last Known Location:

Brighton, United Kingdom

Art Jury Member:

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: