Sun A Moon

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Moon Sun A majored in philosophy and art theory and started her career as an editor and journalist for the Public Art magazine (2013-2015). She joined as an assistant curator in Plastic Myths, the inaugural exhibition at Asia Culture Center in Gwangju. She worked as a producer of twin documentary theater Utopia and I’m Monica from Pyongyang (2017, Art Sonje Center & ACC) and co-curated Brace for Impact (2018, De Appel, NL). She participated in ARKO Creative Academy (2016-2017), TATE Intensive Program (2017), and De Appel Curatorial Programme (2017-2018). In this workshop, with artist Roh Jae Oon, she will pioneer how the media changes the environment.

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: