Tadeus Mucelli

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais, PhD researcher

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Tadeus Mucelli. Doctoral researcher in information science (UFMG) with a focus on art, technology, and digital humanities. Master of Arts, e. For over 20 years, working as a curator and specialist in digital culture projects. Memory, Information, Post-Digital, Blockchain, and decentralized networks as research. Creator of the Digital Art Biennial of Brazil


Tadeus Mucelli is a curator, researcher and project manager in technological art and digital culture in Brazil. PhD Student in Information Sciences (UFMG). In recent years he has devoted himself to research on “digital instability” and heritage in the field of digital humanities and information studies in technological arts. He is the founder of the Digital Art Festival – FAD in Belo Horizonte (since 2007) and the Biennale of Digital Art (2018) in Rio de Janeiro.


Tadeus Mucelli is an artist, curator, researcher and project manager in technological art and digital culture. Master in Arts by the stricto-sensu postgraduate program of the UEMG State University of Minas Gerais, Brazil, with thematic on memory, preservation and digital heritage. He holds a PhD postgraduate program from Information Science School by Information Science School – Federal University of Minas Gerais. In the years 2013/2014/2015 he dedicated himself to research on “Instability of Digital” resulting in various actions and products, such as seminars, book and articles, as well as participation in national and international events.

He is the founder of the Digital Art Festival FAD in Brazil (since 2007) and the Digital Art Biennial (2018) in Rio de Janeiro/ Brazil. He has been working in the fields of Art and Technology since 1998, mainly in the field of electronic art, new media and technological enterprise. Self-taught musical and audiovisual producer, with works published in Brazil and abroad. Organizer of the publications; Digital Art Festival catalog and essays (2011), Digital Art Festival retrospective with scientific essays (2012), Post-Digital Settings: Technological Art and Culture (2017 by Publisher State University of Minas Gerais), and the book of the 1st Biennial of the Digital Art in Brazil Catalog and scientific essays (2018).

He also works in the conception, artistic direction, consulting and management of cultural projects that involve new media and digital culture. As a researcher, he is developing in his PhD through the Federal University of Minas Gerais the methodological relations in the field of information science with a view to the production of digital memory and digital heritage in the areas of digital humanities and information studies in technological arts. In 2012 he was awarded the prize for the promotion of art by FUNARTE Visual Arts. In 2014, it was awarded by the 1st Brazilian Creative Award, through the Ministry of Culture and the Secretariat of Creative Economy Cultural Expressions/Digital Art for the project of the EAT Creative School in Art and Technology.


Tadeus Mucelli, Belo Horizonte Area, Brazil, is Director of FAD – Digital Art Festival (Brazil). Graduated in Management of Organizations of the Third Sector (non-profit) by the University of State of Minas Gerais (UEMG / FAPP). Master in Arts with thematic on the “Visualization and Materialization of Digital Arts”. Has been active in digital arts since 1998. Founder of the Digital Art Festival – FAD in Belo Horizonte. Organizer of Publications in new media and researcher. In 2012 he was awarded the prize for the promotion of art by Brazilian Government Ministry of Culture – Visual Arts – Annual Award. In 2014, he was awarded the 1st Brazilian Creative Award, through the Ministry of Culture and the Secretariat of Creative Economy – Cultural Expressions / Digital Art for the EAT project – Creative School in Art and Technology.

Last Known Location:


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: