Timothy Murray

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

Cornell University, Com­par­a­tive Lit­er­a­ture and Eng­lish

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Timothy Murray, Cornell University, Society for the Humanities, US


Tim­o­thy Mur­ray is Di­rec­tor of the So­ci­ety for the Hu­man­i­ties, Pro­fes­sor of Com­par­a­tive Lit­er­a­ture and Eng­lish, and Cu­ra­tor of the Rose Gold­sen Archive of New Media Art, at Cor­nell Uni­ver­sity, US. He is co-mod­er­a­tor of the -empyre—soft-skinned space, new media list­serv and the au­thor of Dig­i­tal Baroque: New Media Art and Cin­e­matic Folds (Min­nesota 2008); Zonas de Con­tacto: el arte en CD-ROM (Cen­tro de la im­a­gen, 1999); Drama Trauma: Specters of Race and Sex­u­al­ity in Per­for­mance, Video, Art (Rout­ledge, 1997); Like a Film: Ide­o­log­i­cal Fan­tasy on Screen, Cam­era and Can­vas (Rout­ledge, 1993); The­atri­cal Le­git­i­ma­tion: Al­le­gories of Ge­nius in XVI­Ith-Cen­tury Eng­land and France (Ox­ford, 1987). He is ed­i­tor of Mime­sis, Masochism & Mime: The Pol­i­tics of The­atri­cal­ity in Con­tem­po­rary French Thought (Michi­gan, 1997) and, with Alan Smith, Re­pos­ses­sions: Psy­cho­analy­sis and the Phan­tasms of Early-Mod­ern Cul­ture (Min­nesota, 1997). His cu­ra­to­r­ial pro­jects in­clude CTHE­ORY MUL­TI­ME­DIA  and Con­tact Zones: The Art of the CD-Rom.

Last Known Location:

Ithaca, New York, United States of America

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: