Whitefeather Hunter
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
WhiteFeather Hunter is a multiple award-winning Canadian artist and scholar, holding an MFA in Fibres and Material Practices from Concordia University. She has recently submitted her thesis for a PhD degree in Biological Arts at the University of Western Australia, supported by primary supervisors, Dr. Ionat Zurr (SymbioticA International Centre of Excellence in Biological Art), and Dr. Stuart Hodgetts (Central Nervous System Repair Lab, CELLCentral, UWA School of Human Sciences). Before commencing a PhD, WhiteFeather was a founding member and Principal Investigator of the Speculative Life BioLab at the Milieux Institute for Arts, Culture and Technology at Concordia University (Montreal) from 2016-2019. Her art practice intersects technofeminism, witchcraft, micro and cellular biology with performance, new media, and craft. Recent presentations include at Duende Art Museum (China), Art Laboratory Berlin, Malta Society of Arts, and numerous Australian, European, and North American institutions. WhiteFeather’s doctoral research into developing a novel menstrual serum for tissue engineering experiments was spotlighted by Merck/ Sigma-Aldrich for International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2021 as part of their #nextgreatimpossible campaign.
Last Known Location:
International Programme Committee:
Title: Bioart Coven—Co-creating community at the intersection of contemporary witchcraft and biotechnologies
| Type(s):
Title: Synthetic Sentience: The Pussification of Biotech