Yu-Chuan Tseng
Most Recent Affiliation(s):
Other Affiliation(s):
- National Tsing Hua University
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
Tseng Yu-Chuan obtained her PhD from the Graduate Institute of Applied Art, National Chiao Tung University. She specializes in research on innovation and theory in interactive digital art, with a PhD thesis entitled The Characteristics of Contemporary Interactive Digital Art. Tseng adopts Martin Heidegger’s (1889 – 1976) philosophy of technology, with its perspectives on objects, tools, and the essence of human nature, as her conceptual framework. She draws on Heidegger’s theories on human control as her theoretical foundation; while tracing the course of historical development to understand the origins, principles of, and discourse related to interactive digital art, and to reassess various aspects of the history of art, including art and technology, post-90s digital art in the West, and digital art in Taiwan. With this as a basis, Tseng identifies three central characteristics of interactive digital artwork that reflect Heidegger’s theories on human control. For example, interactive digital artwork comprises: programs, code, and execution; is random, automated, and is a derivative of the real thing; and contains logic, procedures, and a system.