Dig­i­tal Ma­te­ri­al­ity: Mak­ing the In­com­pre­hen­si­ble (Un­be­grei­fliche) Per­cep­ti­ble

Dig­i­tal Ma­te­ri­al­ity: Mak­ing the In­com­pre­hen­si­ble (Un­be­grei­fliche) Per­cep­ti­ble

From “Im­ma­te­r­ial” to “Hy­per­ma­te­r­ial”

From “Im­ma­te­r­ial” to “Hy­per­ma­te­r­ial”

“The Ma­te­ri­al­ity of Dig­i­tal Utopia” presented by Got­tlieb (To be deleted)

“The Ma­te­ri­al­ity of Dig­i­tal Utopia” presented by Got­tlieb (To be deleted)

“On the Persistence of Hardware” presented by Gottlieb, Tron, Verhoeven and Dieter

“On the Persistence of Hardware” presented by Gottlieb, Tron, Verhoeven and Dieter

Estonian Experience: Non-In­sti­tu­tional Media Art Pro­duc­tion in Estronia

Estonian Experience: Non-In­sti­tu­tional Media Art Pro­duc­tion in Estronia

Pro­duc­tion of Knowl­edge in E-En­vi­ron­ment in New Media De­sign Area

Pro­duc­tion of Knowl­edge in E-En­vi­ron­ment in New Media De­sign Area

Mi­grat­ing Mean­ing: Un­der­stand­ing New Media Art in Cen­tral East­ern Eu­rope

Mi­grat­ing Mean­ing: Un­der­stand­ing New Media Art in Cen­tral East­ern Eu­rope

In­ter­act­ing with the Mov­ing Image: Ex­pe­ri­ences and Out­comes of Teach­ing ‘In­ter­ac­tive Film’ in the Baltic States

In­ter­act­ing with the Mov­ing Image: Ex­pe­ri­ences and Out­comes of Teach­ing ‘In­ter­ac­tive Film’ in the Baltic States

New Media Ed­u­ca­tion in a Chang­ing En­vi­ron­ment of Psy­cho­log­i­cal, Pro­fes­sional and So­cial Con­di­tions

New Media Ed­u­ca­tion in a Chang­ing En­vi­ron­ment of Psy­cho­log­i­cal, Pro­fes­sional and So­cial Con­di­tions



Pro­lif­er­a­tive Preser­va­tion

Pro­lif­er­a­tive Preser­va­tion

Out of Line? Archiv­ing In­ter­net Art Off-Line

Out of Line? Archiv­ing In­ter­net Art Off-Line

Sus­tain­able Preser­va­tion Prac­tices and the Rhi­zome Art­ Base

Sus­tain­able Preser­va­tion Prac­tices and the Rhi­zome Art­ Base

New Media Con­tem­po­rary In­for­ma­tion Par­a­digms: The Re­ordered Mem­ory on File Archive Struc­tures

New Media Con­tem­po­rary In­for­ma­tion Par­a­digms: The Re­ordered Mem­ory on File Archive Struc­tures



Mod­els of Spik­ing Neu­rons

Mod­els of Spik­ing Neu­rons

Be­tween a Thing and a Thought: The Neu­ropsy­chol­ogy of Self­hood

Be­tween a Thing and a Thought: The Neu­ropsy­chol­ogy of Self­hood

Agency in a Dish: Sup­posed a Semi-Liv­ing Brain be Art (Maker)

Agency in a Dish: Sup­posed a Semi-Liv­ing Brain be Art (Maker)

The Sound of Small Brain Cir­cuits: Plas­tic­ity and Syn­chro­ni­sa­tion in the Neu­ro­gran­u­lar Sam­pler

The Sound of Small Brain Cir­cuits: Plas­tic­ity and Syn­chro­ni­sa­tion in the Neu­ro­gran­u­lar Sam­pler

Neural Ghosts and The Focus of At­ten­tion

Neural Ghosts and The Focus of At­ten­tion

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