“Obsolete Equipment: The Preservation of Playback and Display Equipment for Audiovisual Arts” presented by Wijers and Vissers

“Obsolete Equipment: The Preservation of Playback and Display Equipment for Audiovisual Arts” presented by Wijers and Vissers

“Archiving Experience: The Third Generation Variable Media Questionnaire” presented by Bell

“Archiving Experience: The Third Generation Variable Media Questionnaire” presented by Bell

“Between Remake and Reperformance: Emerging Narratives in Media Art” presented by Frieling

“Between Remake and Reperformance: Emerging Narratives in Media Art” presented by Frieling

“Still Accessible? Rethinking the Preservation of Media Art” presented by Buschmann

“Still Accessible? Rethinking the Preservation of Media Art” presented by Buschmann

“Common Flowers/White Out: Bio-Hacking, Open-Sourcing and Exorcising GM Flowers” presented by Tremmel and Fukuhara

“Common Flowers/White Out: Bio-Hacking, Open-Sourcing and Exorcising GM Flowers” presented by Tremmel and Fukuhara

“CODED CULTURES: Exploring Creative Emergences” presented by Russegger

“CODED CULTURES: Exploring Creative Emergences” presented by Russegger

“Simply Scripting, Milling, Printing? On the Resistance of Materials and the Question of Precision in Digital Architecture and Fabrication” presented by Vrachliotis

“Simply Scripting, Milling, Printing? On the Resistance of Materials and the Question of Precision in Digital Architecture and Fabrication” presented by Vrachliotis

2010 Buechley Technology, Materiality, and Aesthetics

“Technology, Materiality, and Aesthetics” presented by Buechley

“Biology as a New Art Medium and Its Possible Implications in Art Research” presented by de Menezes

“Biology as a New Art Medium and Its Possible Implications in Art Research” presented by de Menezes

“Materiality, Mediality and Concepts of Touch” presented by Wagner

“Materiality, Mediality and Concepts of Touch” presented by Wagner

2010 Himmelsbach Art and Politics. The Edith Russ Site for Media Art: A Space for Presentation and Production of Media Art

“Art and Politics. The Edith Russ Site for Media Art: A Space for Presentation and Production of Media Art” presented by Himmelsbach

2010 Walton Mobile Republic: Visual Approaches to Discourse in South African Mobile Social Networks

“Mobile Republic: Visual Approaches to Discourse in South African Mobile Social Networks” presented by Walton

2010 Richard YouTube Favorites = Media Masters

“YouTube Favorites = Media Masters” presented by Richard

2010 Sakrowski Bäucker Curating Youtube Box [CYB]

“Curating Youtube Box [CYB]” presented by Sakrowski and Bäucker

Luminous Green in Singapore: Electronic arts in turbulent weather

Luminous Green in Singapore: Electronic arts in turbulent weather

2008 Aristarkhova Locating Cyberfeminist Art in Singapore

“Locating Cyberfeminist Art in Singapore” presented by Aristarkhova

Mediated Hauntings: Conjuring Cultural Memory in the Present

Mediated Hauntings: Conjuring Cultural Memory in the Present

“Liminal acts: Using mobile technology as a critical medium.” presented by Ozog

“Liminal acts: Using mobile technology as a critical medium.” presented by Ozog

“The Contemporary Art Centres of the Soros Foundation and C³” presented by Czegledy

“The Contemporary Art Centres of the Soros Foundation and C³” presented by Czegledy

2008 Kluszczynski Spaces of Intimacy

“Spaces of Intimacy” presented by Kluszczynski

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