A Manifesto for Compwriting and Re-Scriptable Information
Session Title:
- Long Papers Presentations
Presentation Title:
- A Manifesto for Compwriting and Re-Scriptable Information
Compwriting will provide for a fundamental area of human evolution, the ability to write. Compwriting tools are linguistics algorithms that reorder letters, words, even languages, producing neo-meaning. But compwriting will also operate with previously written discourses, in a re-scripting strategy, challenging the copyright principle and its legal consequences. The web is re-scripting technology providing information as it correlates data. Newer technologies will utilize algorithms to creatively connect words and texts. Compwriting through networks will also defy national languages and the geopolitical scenario favouring transnational, translinguistic telecommunications. But for compwriting to develop information must be like a molecule, legally free to interact. Thus the need to amplify the work initiated in 1972 with “Semion: an international symbol for released information”. The Semion proposition states: “Any information, text, image, project, method, idea, bearing this symbol can be reproduced, diffused, translated, applied or utilized, provided that the authorship and the source are mentioned, the information is respected in its integrity, and the purpose is not exploitation”. Today the web suggests more radical possibilities for information sharing. A new symbol, entitled SemionR, was then conceived to mark works that can be re-scripted. The Semion proposition states: “Any information, text, image, project, method, idea, bearing this symbol can not only be reproduced, diffused, translated, applied or utilized, but also modified or altered, provided that the objective is the creation of new information.”