About The Appearance of Digital and Technological Arts: For a Rehabilitation of the Memory


Session Title:

  • Université Paris 1 Saint Charles

Presentation Title:

  • About The Appearance of Digital and Technological Arts: For a Rehabilitation of the Memory



  • Panel Statement


    UNIVERSITE DE PARIS 1, U.F.R. d’Arts Plastiques et Sciences de l’Art,

    Panel 2

    No more than a spontaneous generation regarding living organisms, there is no appearance ex-nihilo in the Art ! There are forms of art which prepared the emergence of the Web Art and of network, such as these forms develop and impose themselves today. Concepts like those of combinative, interactivity, network, remote presence, remote action, ubiquity, transfer of the statute of the author, like that of receiver, which are fundamental elements of the art of today, had already a historical «existence» even before the uses of the computer and those of telematics appear and spread. Some functional «mechanical» data became, with the time, today, true «ideologies», of which those, for example, the «interactivity» and the «relation» which don’t owe anything, in truth of their existence at the beginning, nor with data processing, not more than with the Internet… Indeed, the interaction existed well before the appearance of such technologies, as first condition, as basic condition, of the development of any form of life on the ground.

    A proposal from Fred Forest.
